If you’re paralyzed by choice, here are 5 methods to help you make hard decisions.

These 5 strategies have been scientifically proven to reduce bias and increase understanding.

Like it or not, hair is a feminist issue.

Boost your confidence so you can live the life of your dreams.

Most New Year’s Resolutions fail by mid-February. This 5-step process can help you succeed.

History is usually just the story of stuff men did.

We can learn a lot from Regina George.

You don’t owe anyone your time or space.

Sometimes you’ve got to sell yourself.

You have a right to be comfortable.

Khloe Kardashian made headlines around the world when she admitted to wanting a tapeworm to get skinny. It’s a profoundly bad idea—parasites can cause anything from diarrhea and vomiting to death—but I get it.
Internalized hatred makes any product that promises freedom from unwanted body fat appealing. Keep reading to find out how to love yourself as you are.